Is microdosing Lithium the answer to prevent dementia?

Is microdosing Lithium the answer to prevent dementia, stop anxiety, insomnia, depression and generally be a safe supplement for mood stabilisation?? Read on.. Lithium is a metal on the period table. It occurs naturally in nature.
Lithium medication is well known by psychiatrists and used to treat bipolar disorder. That is lithium carbonate available only by prescription by a psychiatry doctor, and is used in much higher doses, in the range of 1000 mg per day. The prescription lithium is very potent, and is associated with several potential risks and side effects, such as tremor, acne, tiredness, and, more concerning, it may affect both thyroid and kidney function.
But Lithium the supplement is measured at one hundred of a dose is non-prescription, and available from nutritional practitioners. It is considered safe, even by the FDA, and we have not seen any problems arise when used in the recommended doses. It is found in ground and ocean water in USA in states that show much lowel rates of depression, suicidality, murder and anger related behaviour than other states where lithium is not present. Is the water calming everyone down and stabilising their mood? Quiet possibly!
Lithium is a mineral that has completely unique properties in terms of how it works in the brain and its impact on mood. Virtually all prescription psychiatric drugs work on the neurotransmitters, either by interacting with the receptors on the outside of the cell (the cell membrane), or by increasing the amount of a certain brain chemical like serotonin or dopamine. Lithium is able to get inside the brain cells (the neurons), affecting the inner workings of the cell itself in ways that can greatly benefit mood. Even the micro doses lithium can help calm brain activity, promote a positive mood, support emotional wellness and the brain’s natural detoxification process, reduces oxidative stress, provides antioxidant support, and promote the natural balance of brain neurotransmitters.
Is this the New prevention tool for dementia? Latest studies show low dose lithium increases BDNF, volume, density and size of brain. It also slows down the cellular apoptosis or cell death rate in the brain and is effective in reducing glutamate in the brain which is now linked to dementia, anxiety, stress and insomnia. Many of my patients who have parents with dementia are suffering with their mental health. This is partially from the angst of caring for a longterm sick relative and their genetic make-up that predisposes them to poor mental health. Low dose lithium also prevents beta amyloid plaque build up in the brain. Another win for Dementia prevention.
Microdosing lithium is useful for insomina, anxiety, stress, anger and general mood stabilisation with none of the side effects of prescription lithium. It increases GABA which counteracts effects of stress anxiety and panic. It increases inositol which helps brain to think. It decreases dopamine, high dopamine causes paranoia and risk taking behaviour.
To book your test to see your natural lithium levels and or investigate and learn about preventing dementia, email ei.tugruoyhtiwog@ofni