Gut Health Clinic Sligo 2020 Jump Start ur Selfcare Routine

July 2020

Thegut microbiome is the internal ecosystem of bacteria living within our gastrointestinal tract that plays a critical role in our digestion, immune system, mood and weight. Your microbiome is truly individual to you and scientists estimate there are around 1000 species of different bacteria that can live our guts. New research suggests the balance of microbes living in your gut not just causes bloating and or irritable bowel syndrome but everything from ezcema to acne to asthma, to anxiety and depression aswell as knowing that improving your gut health can improve symptoms of a myriad of autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and MS. Testing can help identify if you have the bad guys, bacterial or fungal overgrowing in numbers that can push your good guys out of the garden. The idea is that if we take care of our bacteria they will take care of us.

Having worked as a microbiologist in hospital and industrial settings aswell as being a medical rep for gut and skin health products for years prior to starting my own business from home due to living with ill health myself, undiagnosed for 5 years suffering from chronically slow digestion, multiple fodmap intolerances, crippling insomnia and anxiety due to an unbalanced immune system due to overload of gut bacteria i have a special interest in this area which has led me to continously study and expand my knowledge in this important area of self care this past decade. I am passionate about testing and trying to identify ongoing women’s health issues aswell as of course looking after your beauty needs, polishing the outside to make you feel the best version of yourself.

2 weekly gut clinics now in Carney, Co Sligo. DM or text Fiona 0868439979