Spring Blues? Top 15 Food Tips to increase your Serotonin naturally

Dietary Tips on How to Raise Serotonin NaturallySerotonin

Did you know that approximately 90% of your happy hormone serotonin is made in your gut? Know that the food you eat can be either the Safest & Most Powerful form Of Preventative Medicine OR The Slowest form Of Poison. Healthy food will not cure any chronic illness but it will prevent plenty so make better food choices in your 20s and 30s to avoid illnesses late in life. It can take years to build up good dietary habits so start today.

Here are some tips to raise your serotonin levels naturally

Enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate daily. The over 70% cocoa variety is high in magnesium and other feel good nutrients and has antioxidants for heart health. But remember it also has significant caffeine. SO avoid late night chocolate feasts!

Leafy greens like spinach and kale enhance energy.

Walnuts are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids and other brain food.

Eating bananas can boost serotonin.

Cayenne pepper can relieve depression.

Almonds are a source of brain food and magnesium.

Porridge Oats can ease depression.

Green Smoothie gives you a boost in energy.

Water hydrates all the cells of the body and lowers stress.

Walking clears the head.

Spending time in nature being mindful is so good for you and your immune system.

Some Other Superfoods to Keep in your Diet

Broccoli contains indoles which help prevent cancer.

Oily Fish like Mackeral, Sardines can help reduce depression.

Garlic lowers cholesterol and is antiviral.

Almonds are full of fiber and monounsaturated fats.

Eggs are so nutritious and a good source of protein and contain 9 amino acids.

Flaxseeds and Linseeds are an excellant source of fibre and do not cause bloating.

Red Wine- Has an important antioxidant in it- Reservesterol- one small glass is a serving- remember that’s only 125 mls.

Doing the personalised probiotic plan with Flore will grow your microbiome so you better digest and utilise your foods vitamins and minerals, produce hormones etc. It takes about 1-2 years to grow so you have to stick with the plan. It costs approximately €150 a month to keep doing the tests getting new formulas made for you. Each box contains 3 months supply. Check out nhhinovations.ie and use my discount code FM5 in the checkout box for discount. I can bring you on the pathway of explaining your results and supporting your diet as your grow.

For more gut health tips and posts see this link Blog – Go With Your Gut (polished.ie)