The Horrrible Downsides of HRT- Utrogestan

Somethings you may not know about the hormone Progesterone. Firstly Its known as the calming peaceful hormone that women often dont have enough of.
It is also very useful for treatment of anxiety in those who can’t tolerate SSRIs. Or anger. Or sleep.
But too much can make one depressed if one has a progesterone sensivity. As with hormones feeling great is a balancing act between oestrogen, testosterone and progesterone. 100mg to 200mg utrogestan nightly is used alot in Ireland.
It is wonderful for inducing and improving sleep in insomniacs or for PMS related sleep issues when other sleep aids are not working.
It is useful for rage, anger, irritability in women who suffer with PMS.
Can be taken anytime in the cycle. It is safe to take long term for most.
It Must be taken alongside oestrogen in HRT in those who have a womb. It can be taken day 14 to 28 or nightly at half dose for 28 days in the menstrual cycle. It can be used vaginally or anally if orally causes too much tiredness, stiffness, depression. Vaginally or anally it can cause UTis as it can alter the PH of the vagina which means some of the commensal bacteria like ecoli and klebsiella can overgrow causing vaginal and urinary tract infections.
It is fantastic for helping prevent miscarriages in first trimester.
Synthetic progesterone can be taken as a contraceptive pill. A good option in anxious stressed out types. Its called Cerazette, Azalia, Noriday.
Utrogestan is bio identical HRT is plant based. Made from yams from sweet potatoes for those looking for the most natural approach as it is the exact same molecular structure that the body makes. Utrogestan capsules are available in ireland at a third of the price up north than down south!
For maximum absorption one needs to take it at night 2 hours from last meal.
Womens health is so far behind in Ireland. Let’s spread the love for each other. Share this post with a special friend who needs to know this info! And feel free to post on your stories.
Remember im Not a doctor. I give Education not advice. Always ask your own GP regarding your personal health. No DMs for personal health advice without full consultation. 💚 Fiona