My Gut Health & Mental Health Journey in 2024- 8 years in!

Hello everyone. A little bit about me for all my new followers.  My name is Fiona age 44 from Sligo, Ireland. Self Employed Scientist and Biohacker for 10 years. Specialist interest in gut health, gut-brain axis mental health, SIBO, mould toxicity, stress and adrenals, thyroid, heavy metal toxicity, and Dementia. On mums side of family theres lots of depression and dementia. We all have methylation issues, MTHFR genetic snips and the Apoe4 inflammatory gene which has been causing dementia in 70s of our relatives. I myself was exposed to multiple antibiotics for pneumonia age 2 and for UTIs age 5 which didnt set me up well. I had a High stress family life growing up so my nervous system was always dysregulated. My mum had undiagnosed depression and anxiety all her life so home life was very stressful. I’m the eldest child and i ended up caring for mum once I was 23 along with university, finding a husband, house, career etc. I had chronic anxiety and IBS and tonsilitis from age 17 and bad acne since age 12 (signs that i now know were all immune system, liver and gut related but no one knew anything about those things years ago). I developed bad insomnia from age 30 when my dad died suddenly, i came off the pill and the corporate rat race wore me out.

I couldn’t get the medication correct in my 20s or 30s for either my anxiety or insomnia, as i cannot tolerate SSRIs, so due to stress I left corporate life age 34 to have my children and focus on my mental health. With mums diagnosis of dementia when she was just 66 (she’d had many symptoms since she was 53) I hit close to burnout from the stress of caring for her and my babies from not being able to sleep after my 2nd child was born age 36. I later developed a fibromyalgia like illness, chronic pain, no energy, depression, anxiety, chronically slow digestion and food sensitivities by age 38. I was diagnosed with SIBO and mould toxicity at age 40. I tried to detox my liver and release candida and mould with a functional doctor, i was on 15 different supplements and liver herbs but my body was not able for it, my liver enzymes became raised I stopped programme age 41 after 1.25years of taking €600 of supplements a month!. I wasn’t sleeping at all and my anxiety was sky high during the programme. I now know this was partially due to copper toxicity and having a calcium shell from stress. Back then I was fighting for my life and marriage with no answers to my health. Thankfully I found 2 new Gps in sligo and got good bandaids: medication for insomnia and anxiety that suited me and my gut started healing from the age of 40. I also went on HRT age 41 for body pain, depression and low energy, low strength, no libido. It helped alot so I could continue working to fund my health investigations. It cost me guts of 35K to get this far!

Thankfully 4 years further on I found out ALL of my root causes and now Im on a programme to heal my adrenals from burnout and get my thyroid and liver working better as I’m always soo cold and was very weak physically since I had my kids. HRT caused multiple UTis and thrush because the hormones change the PH which means mould and yeast overgrowth thrive in my body so iv been on lots antibiotics the past few years. Since then with much research iv discovered if the body has all the minerals it needs in the right ratio that the body can heal itself, it can get the energy to push out yeast, mould and heavy metals so I have been fixing all my nutritional deficiencies the past year, and things are improving.  I’m sleeping so well now a year into the programme. Im on 22 different powders, capsules and solutions possibly for the next year or 2 with a few tweaks. My digestion is excellent now. SIBO in my gut is gone. UTIs are a thing of the past. My energy has improved this past year. I have lots of nutritional deficiencies from the 20 years of undiagnosed gut issues as I was not digesting or absorbing properly due to stress, combined with having a slow metabolism not producing enough bile from a sluggish liver, sluggish adrenals and thyroid added to the mix so I am also healing those over the next year with the right supplements.

Over the next 2 years I will be also working on my liver to excrete the layers of toxicity. I have discovered that toxins in my liver are the root cause of my years of depression and anxiety. Iv done 2 liver flushes and am finding my current liver detox supplement very challenging. Initially i felt like i had ADHD from the mobilisation of the liver toxins, much brain fog, couldnt focus easily, little things rattled me, after the first flush i felt very good and calm for 2 weeks then i tried again but after the next flush i felt very flat, had low mood. These are symptoms of detoxing metals and mould. So its quite the healing journey. 3 steps forward, 2 back! I am planning one flush a month for this next year. An added issue is that I’m not excreting heavy metals in my hair yet and because I’m at risk of Dementia as I have the gene so its important I energise my body and fuel it appropriately with the correct supplements so it has the energy to excrete the heavy metals and chemical toxins that could cause memory issues in later life. It’s a long road to recovery but Im aiming for full health by age 50! So to sum it all up, my very difficult personal health experiences has helped me heal many other families who are suffering. My email is ei.tugruoyhtiwog@ofni if you would like to book a FREE 10 minute discovery phone or zoom call to see if you would like to work with me. Thank you for reading. Please share my work with anyone who needs to hear this.