13 June 2020
It’s really hotting up this week ladies. The irish sun is so strong right now. Did you know exposure to UV
radiation from the sun can break down these antioxidants by between 26-93%? leaving the skin extremely vulnerable to DNA damage and disabling its ability to function normally. Even on cloudy days so much UVA rays are aging your skin. Antioxidants are the hardest-working skin-care ingredients in the game. Not only do they knock out free radicals that are the number one skin-aging culprits—to promote a brighter, more even complexion, they’re also the hereos at clearing fine lines and keeping skin looking fresh. So this is why I use SPF 40 http://gloskinbeauty.com its incredibly light, it feels like a moistuiriser not a sun cream, in fact it doubles up as one and has anti aging benefits too. I will take lots of those things thanks! i also take one of these capsule everyday
on top of eating a diet high in the antioxidant rich foods

Dark Chocolate
Pecan nuts
Goji Berries
Both this suncream and the supplement are available in our sligo salon. Call, email or text 0868439979.
Fiona Brady- Skin Therapist & Owner of Polished