Your diet is key to healthy hair, skin and nails. BUT Improving your diet is difficult. You have to do it one step at a time. You have to repeat that step for 21 days in a row before that step becomes ingrained into a habit that you will repeat everyday. Here is what I am choosing to eat in the morning and why.
See this list of foods ( it is from reading The Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick J Holford https://www.patrickholford.com/optimumhealth) The ORAC units measure the antioxidant power of the food. You want to be eating lots of foods that have good antioxidant power so they get rid of all the free radicals that cause the damage.
You can see foods like
- Cinnamon, Walnuts, Apples, Blueberries and Blackberrys are much higher per 100gs than foods like an orange, so to achieve all the daily antioxidants you need to keep you young, beautiful, healthy and disease free why not have the 6,000 units a day in “one go at your breakfast” (then you dont have to think about it for the rest of the day).
- Your good food deed to your body and brain is done. Except get that walk in too! What I have done is I write myself a list on postit note and stick it to the breakfast bar with sellotape so it doesn’t move for weeks.
- It says dont forget to put
- walnuts
- cinnamon
- stewed apple and blackberry or other berries
- flaxseeds
- and greek yogurt on porridge.
I add flaxseeds because they are a great source of Omega 3 fish oils which the irish diet rarely fulfills and are key for good skin and a healthy heart and brain. (And I add the yogurt for some protein, the balance for a fat burning breakfast)
- Without this list I wouldn’t remember half of those things. But now i am two weeks into this regime I am remembering the 5 items. It is now becoming a habit. I will be posting more nutritious meals inspo in time to come. You too can clean up your diet, start small with one daily change a month and after a year you will have a whole new diet that your lean body, brain, hair, skin and nails will thank you for.
Always Available over the phone for your Skin & Nutrition Questions,
Love Fee x
Fiona Brady BSc, CIDESCO, ITEC, DIP NUIT – www.polished.ie – Owner & Founder of Polished.ie 0868439979